A slacker??!!?!? WTF?
Are you a customer of Alibris? Do you receive their email discount coupons? If so, you may have recently received an email suggesting you are a slacker.
My husband and I have separate book buying accounts at Alibris. We buy books online based on venue, condition, price, bookseller and need/want. We haven't purchased any books from anywhere in several months. (Heaven knows we do not need any!) Several of Alibris' email coupons have arrived and expired in our respective inboxes. The most recent probably arrived late July or early August. Okay. Then we receive several reminders to use said coupons. August 21, 2007 shows a reminder with the subject line of: Psst! Use your bonus coupon, customer's name inserted here, before it expires! On August 26, 2007 another one arrives with the subject of: Your name here, only slackers ignore our $10 coupon! As I have already stated- WTF! What genius came up with that marketing ploy???? Obviously one that is ignorant. Nothing shouts excellent customer service like insulting your clients.
In case you are wondering, the $10 coupon is if you spend $100.00, otherwise your discount is only $3.00 off a purchase of $30.00. If you live in states where Alibris collects sales tax, your discount is much less. For us, located in California, the discount comes out to be less than 3%. Definitely not much of a savings and not worth my bother!
I'll have to think long and hard before buying from them again! As a bookseller on Alibris, I have to wonder just how many others were repulsed by that email.
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